Player Registration

Player Registration Form

At County FC Academy, we are excitedly looking forward to reconnecting with our soccer community, we relies on your involvement to help provide a great soccer experience for every child.

Parent Information

Numbers only
Numbers only

Player Information

Numbers only
Numbers only

Terms & Conditions:

  1. I am the parent/guardian of the participant having full legal responsibility for decisions regarding the participant.
  2. I believe that my child is physically,emotionally and mentally able to participate in the programs,activities and events of COUNTY FC ACADEMY.
  3. I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks and hazards associated with or related to soccer. The risks and hazards include, but are not limited to injuries from: Executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques in soccer; Grass, turf and other surfaces including bacterial infections and rashes; Falls to the ground due to uneven or irregular terrain or surfaces; Collisions with walls and soccer equipment; Extreme weather conditions which may result in heatstroke, sunstroke or hypothermia; Contact, colliding or being struck by other participants, spectators, equipment or vehicles; Vigorous physical exertion and strenuous cardiovascular workouts; Exerting and stretching various muscle groups.
  4. Furthermore, I am aware that my child/ward may:
    1. Sustain injuries in soccer that can be severe, cause spinal cord injuries and even be fatal;
    2. Experience anxiety while challenging himself/herself during the activities, events and programs;
    3. Come into close contact with other participants, including the possibility of accidental and unexpected contact.
    4. Risk of injury is reduced if he/she follows all rules established for participation;
    5. Risk of injury increases as he/she becomes fatigued.